Tuesday 25 September 2012

Here we go!


I have to be honest, I've thought about doing a blog for about 18 months now, I've even started setting one up a couple of times - but then I've forgotten the name and password that I'd registered - oops!!

So, here I go, third time lucky as they say and after winning a blog give-away - a condition of which was that you repeat the giveaway on your blog - my back's against the wall!

Oh - and I do have to warn you that I suffer from fat-thumb-itis, and often fall foul of the dreaded auto-correct - but it makes for a interesting read, right?!

Sooo, the give away details - I going to change them a bit, as this is my first post on my new blog, and don't have any followers *sniff*!!

I'll send a surprise gift to five commenters on this blog post, drawn at random.  The gift will be a handmade surprise by me and will be sent to you at some time in the next 365 days (yep, mystery gift at a mystery time )

Here's what you need to do:

Leave me a comment on this blog, make sure you include your email address (if your profile doesn't include it) by 5 October (10 days time).

If you like my Facebook page, I'll add your name in again, and if you share my page with your followers, you can go in again!! How generous, hey?!

If you're one of the lucky 5, I'll email you and ask a few questions (likes/dislikes, favourite colours, sizes etc, and the address the surprise is to be sent to).

To complete signing up, you must play along too. To do this you must blog a similar post and pledge to make a surprise gift for your first three people to comment (or do a random draw).

So do you want to play?  Let's go!!

Phew!!!  Well, for my first blog, I think I'll leave it there - but I think I might be back......some time soon!!